Hello, Truckers! Trucking is one of the biggest businesses in America; truckers are practically risking everything to move everything around the country from place to place. We should appreciate all the wonderful truckers out there and celebrate their contributions to our society. Many truckers spend so much time away from their families to provide this timely trucking service, and we at TaxExcise.com want to honor their service in the event of Father’s Day. Therefore, we are giving out a special discount on form 2290 pre-filing for the upcoming tax year. Form 2290 pre-filing for the next tax season, TY 2022-2023, is actively happening on TaxExcise.com. So, use this opportunity and pre-file form 2290 online at TaxExcise.com. Continue reading Let’s celebrate this Father’s Day with a special discount for your form 2290 pre-filing!
Tag Archives: Tax 2290
Honoring All The Great Fathers This Father’s Day!
Celebrate Father’s Day with 10% OFF by Pre-filing Form 2290 for TY 2021-2022. Use code: THANKSDAD

A son’s first hero, a daughter’s first love. We get it! It’s hard to put into words just how special that man really means to you. Whether it’s your dad, uncle, brother or grandpa, anyone who has been a father like figure and guided you onto greener pastures deserves recognition. What better way to make sure you express your love and gratitude for him the right way this Father’s Day.
Continue reading Honoring All The Great Fathers This Father’s Day!Today August 31 and HVUT Form 22290 Due Date
The highway use tax (HVUT Form 2290) applies to highway motor vehicles with a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more. 2290 tax returns must be filed and tax payments must be paid by August 31 for the heavy motor vehicles used on the road during July. The deadline generally applies to Form 2290 and the accompanying tax payment for the tax year that begins July 1, 2020, and ends June 30, 2021. For motor vehicles first used after July, the deadline is the last day of the month following the month of first use.
August 31 Due Date for Form 2290
Today the d-day for 2290 truck tax reporting and electronic filing is the best way to have this reported and paid with the IRS. TaxExcise.com a product of ThinkTrade Inc. is in full swing supporting the truckers to have this 2290 taxes reported on time. The Truckers who is missing out this August 31, 2020 deadline would end up paying more as late filing charges, penalty and interest on the tax amount. Why pay more? act fast and report your 2290 truck tax returns online. It is easy, fast and safe to do it at TaxExcise.com. Top Rated and Market Leader for all Federal Excise Taxes.
Form 2290 eFiling Support
TaxExcise.com the most experienced and the first website to get authorized by the IRS since 2007 is working in full swing to help truckers and owner operators to have this 2290 Truck Tax returns reported and paid to the IRS on-time. The IRS processes and issues you the Watermarked Schedule 1 Proof of Payment with a date on it would act as an acknowledgement to have your vehicles renewed or registered with the federal agencies.
Talk to us at 866 – 245 – 3918, we have multiple lines to accommodate any number of calls to help you with your 2290 efiling. You can also connect with us through a LIVE Chat support from our website. Writing an email can help us to keep track of your support ticket and help you instantly.
One Last Reminder About 2290 Due DAte for 2020-21
Today August 31, 2020 and the Internal Revenue Service reminded Truckers to report and pay the 2290 Truck Tax Dues for the tax year July 2020 – June 2021. Today Monday and expecting to receive huge volume of 2290 returns so advised to start early to have your return processed at the earliest and to receive the IRS watermarked Schedule Proof of Payment copy instantly. TaxExcise.com a product of ThinkTrade Inc. is available throughout the day to help you. Please reach us at 866 – 245 – 3918 or write to us at support@taxexcise.com. We’re also available in LIVE Chat support to help you with your questions.
Choose electronic filing to complete your 2290 truck tax filing on-time, it is easy and fast to report and pay the taxes with the IRS. IRS Watermarked Schedule 1 Proof of Payment is sent to your inbox immediately once IRS accepts it.
2290 Electronic Filing – August 31 Due Date
Electronic filing or E-File is required for reporting IRS Form 2290 and paying taxes on 25 vehicles or more in a tax return. However, all taxpayers are encouraged to file electronically as it allows for quicker processing of your 2290 tax return. When e-filed a stamped Schedule 1 proof can be available within minutes after filing and acceptance by the IRS.
Every trucker or owner operator is insisted to avail the benefits of electronic filing as it is the fasted way of getting your return processed by the IRS, the stamped schedule-1 proof is made available immediately to your inbox.
Anyone who owns and operates heavy motor vehicle with the taxable gross weight and expected to drive 5,000 miles (7,500 miles for Agriculture Use) must report and pay tax 2290. You may be an individual, limited liability company (LLC), corporation, partnership, or any other type of organization (including nonprofit, charitable, educational, etc.) Form 2290 must be filed for the month the taxable vehicle is first used on public highways during the current period.
2290 Call Support:
Though some taxpayers have the option of filing Form 2290 on paper, the IRS encourages all taxpayers to take advantage of the speed and convenience of filing this form electronically and paying any tax due electronically. Taxpayers reporting 25 or more vehicles must e-file. Here are the benefit that you could enjoy by choosing e-file;
• The IRS Stamped Schedule-1 proof will be made available in just minutes once IRS accepts
• No math required, as the website will take care of all tax calculation automatically
• 100% Accurate, 100% Simple and 100% Easy, hassle free filing experience
• Get Instant TEXT Alert in your cell phone once IRS completes processing your tax return
• IRS Stamped Schedule-1 by FAX when you subscribe for it.
Call us at 1-866-245-3918 or mail us at support@TaxExcise.com for any support.

The IRS HVUT Form 2290 Payment is DUE TODAY for TY 2020-2021

The Final day Countdown ends here! And with the clock ticking it feels like Déjà vu, It’s that time of the year where every Trucking Business and Owner operator puts pedal to the metal to have Form 2290 completed on time. Every hardworking trucker knows that the first and most important key to being on the road while still staying compliant with the IRS depends on today. Completing the heavy vehicle tax return on time allows you to stay in business and also ensures you maintain a clean streak with Uncle Sam. Be sure to have the HVUT Form 2290 completed TODAY, August 31st to avoid any late filing charges with added penalties and interests.
Continue reading The IRS HVUT Form 2290 Payment is DUE TODAY for TY 2020-2021