Hello, Truckers! Trucking is one of the biggest businesses in America; truckers are practically risking everything to move everything around the country from place to place. We should appreciate all the wonderful truckers out there and celebrate their contributions to our society. Many truckers spend so much time away from their families to provide this timely trucking service, and we at TaxExcise.com want to honor their service in the event of Father’s Day. Therefore, we are giving out a special discount on form 2290 pre-filing for the upcoming tax year. Form 2290 pre-filing for the next tax season, TY 2022-2023, is actively happening on TaxExcise.com. So, use this opportunity and pre-file form 2290 online at TaxExcise.com. Continue reading Let’s celebrate this Father’s Day with a special discount for your form 2290 pre-filing!
Tag Archives: IRS
Pre-file Form 2290 for the upcoming tax season, TY 2022-2023, now!
Hello, Truckers! The next season for this year is right around the corner, and you should report form 2290 HVUT to the IRS once the tax season begins in July 2022. You must pay the tax dues in full for the entire tax season, TY 2022-2023, and get the schedule 1 copy within August 31, 2022, to smoothly continue your trucking operations on the public highways. But the catch is IRS will get very crowded during the beginning of the tax season in July because all the truckers and trucking taxpayers are reporting their form 2290 for the tax period. IRS made form 2290 e-filing mandatory for all truckers with 25 or more vehicles in their fleet. Form 2290 e-filing is a simple, effective, and complete automatic process which takes less turnout time than the conventional paper filing method. Even the online filing method will consume some time at the beginning of tax season because IRS will process the online tax reports and approve them for schedule 1 copies for all the tax returns. Continue reading Pre-file Form 2290 for the upcoming tax season, TY 2022-2023, now!
Form 720 is due TODAY for second quarter of 2020 and PCORI Fee for 2019 Self-Insured Health Plans

TaxExcise.com the only E-file service provider that helps to report all the federal excise tax forms and all schedules of Form 8849 refund claims would like to remind taxpayers that the excise tax form 720 for the second quarter of 2020 ending in June 30th and PCORI Fee, is DUE TODAY.
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) fees are also due TODAY. 2019 PCORI must be reported on the second quarter of 2020. While filing your return using www.TaxExcise.com, please select the year Jan – Dec 2020 and quarter ending in June 2020, and have your 2019 PCORI filed. The PCORI annual filing and fees was originally set to expire in 2019, but they were reinstated for an additional 10 years, through 2029.
Form 720 and Form 2290 tax requirements for small businesses:
Continue reading Form 720 is due TODAY for second quarter of 2020 and PCORI Fee for 2019 Self-Insured Health PlansLess Than 24 hours remaining to File These Tax Forms!
May we have your attention please, Less than 24 hours in hand to File Three Tax Form that are due TODAY April 30th 2019. Being an IRS Authorized E-file Service Provider it becomes our responsibility to remind Every Tax Payer about upcoming tax Deadlines for the month and where to get it done with ease.
Taxes that are Due Today: Continue reading Less Than 24 hours remaining to File These Tax Forms!
Tuesday April 30th: Due Date to File Three Taxes!
Time and Tide waits for none! Very old saying but suits every situation especially when it comes to Taxes. April is not only the Month to file and Pay your Personal Income taxes but has few other deadlines as well. Continue reading Tuesday April 30th: Due Date to File Three Taxes!