Happy Halloween! From Taxexcise.com – a Product of Think trade Inc

happy-halloween-teThere’s a pumpkin on my stoop & I can see a black cat by my window. A ghost and a witch roam around on my lawn. All these are to notify me that Halloween is right around the corner and Our Halloween will neither start nor end on a happy note without wishing Every Single Tax Payer out there, so dear brothers & sisters, Wish You All a Very Happy Halloween.

www.taxexcise.com , a product of Think Trade Inc that had started its operation a decade ago has grown this big with your continued support. Likewise we here at Think Trade Inc, always have and will continue to deliver what we promise to our clients & Customers. Though our Tax Experts interact with you on a daily basis, while assisting you to E-file your Excise taxes, we never get to see your beautiful faces. To put an end to it this Halloween, we are hosting a Halloween Photo Contest not only to match names to faces but also to reward you with some exciting Gifts. Continue reading Happy Halloween! From Taxexcise.com – a Product of Think trade Inc

ONLY Ten Working Days Left to E-file your 3rd Quarter Form 720

10-days-to-goThe Strongest fact about time is that “IT CHANGES”, it does not stay put for anyone. I will hit the gym tomorrow said all those obese people out there and never did. Procrastinating important things in life is very easy but, consequences faced due to the pinch of laziness we add to our schedule has devastating setbacks attached to it. Statistics says that people postpone things that are less frequently done.

One such thing that does not show up on calendars very often is the Filing of Federal Excise Tax Form 720. Though it knocks our door only Four times a year, missing to E-file it on time has huge penalties & added                interests which could even be more than the taxes owed. Gone are those days when the IRS Mails us the Form 720 and we complete it and mail it back to them. Even taxes have become advanced & have joined hands with      technology to go paperless. Continue reading ONLY Ten Working Days Left to E-file your 3rd Quarter Form 720

Excise Tax Categories that are reported through Excise Tax Form 720

“This is a question too difficult for a mathematician. It should be asked of a philosopher”(when asked about completing his income tax form)” ― Albert Einstein. Taxes are something that one cannot avoid till he/she is alive; likewise if you own a business you will have to file a list of taxes to keep your business alive. One such Tax is Federal Excise Tax, filed through Form 720 every quarter.

Any business that deals with goods and services are subject to excise tax, it must prepare a Form 720 quarterly to report the tax to the IRS. Ways to prepare and file your taxes are only two, Either your fill out a paper form, figure out complicated calculations and mail it to the IRS or E-file your Form 720 through www.Taxexcise.com , “THE ONLY E-FILE SERVICE PROVIDER FOR FORM 720”.

Below is the list of Major Tax Categories filed through Form 720: Continue reading Excise Tax Categories that are reported through Excise Tax Form 720

TaxExcise.com Wishes you all a very Happy Columbus Day!

columbus-day-1On the Occasion of Columbus Day, when the nation celebrates the arrival of Christopher Columbus to the Americas on October 12, 1492, we at TaxExcise.com would like to convey our wishes to all our Clients & Customer, who have supported us to grow this big. With the support of every single Tax Payer who have used Taxexcise.com and its line of products to E-file their Taxes has helped us to grow the same way as America grew to become the United States of America.

The United States of America has grown to become a super power from the day it was discovered by Christopher Columbus, like wise TaxExcise.com has developed, added and started to support E-filing of several Tax forms since its origin in 2007. Below are the Tax Forms that are supported by Think Trade Inc, under the domain name www.Taxexcise.com . Continue reading TaxExcise.com Wishes you all a very Happy Columbus Day!

E-file Form 720, Indoor Tanning Taxes – Powered by Taxexcise.com

Efiling for Form 720 is one among the hundreds of Service provided by www.Taxexcise.com . Preparing & filing Federal excise tax form 720 by paper is a hectic task, Taxexcise.com a product of think Trade Inc, simplified the process by using latest technical advancements. Thus came in E-filing solution for Federal excise tax form 720. Continue reading E-file Form 720, Indoor Tanning Taxes – Powered by Taxexcise.com

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