Electronic filing helps the Federal Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290 filers to report and pay the 2290 Truck Taxes faster, easier and more accurately than with traditional paper forms. We offer full featured online web based tax software, a self-serviced website to prepare the 2290 tax returns and pay electronically. The IRS encourages every truck taxpayer to choose electronic filing for the convenience and faster processing of tax returns, the IRS watermarked Schedule 1 Proof of Payment will be sent to them instantly once it is accepted. Correcting the errors on a rejected return is also easy, and the turn around time of processing is faster and the updated Schedule 1 is sent to the inbox directly. No delays, accurate tax math, on-time filing and filing at your comfort, no need to walk-in to a local IRS taxpayer assistance center booking appointments. Do it online from wherever you’re at anytime, 24X7 a day and 7 days a week.
Continue reading Electronic Filing is the Most Preferred Medium to Report and Pay 2290 HVUT Returns with the IRSTaxExcise.com User Friendly Features For Electronic Filing
TaxExcise.com is the product of Thinktrade Inc, the first IRS authorized E-file service provider serving the Federal Excise Tax filers since 2007. Partnering with thousands of excise taxpayers, truck taxpayers and tax accountants or paid preparers to ease the federal excise tax electronic filing process. With combined efforts of tax experts and technology, we have mastered the art of filing taxes and provided ideal solutions to everyone ranging from owner operators to fleet owners, truckers and CPAs.
With a wave of services and e-filing taxes for various forms, we top the ranking in serving you right from the time you entered our website, till you exit with your acknowledged receipt. TaxExcise.com bring you the comfort of electronic filing to your home/office computer, e-file federal excise tax returns anytime from anywhere. Market leader in Excise Tax segment and only website to support all the Federal Excise Tax Forms Electronic filing at one place. Download our free mobile apps to e-file on the go. Not only that the best is yet to come…
Continue reading TaxExcise.com User Friendly Features For Electronic Filing2290 Tax Due Date Around the Corner Act Fast
The Federal Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290 is now due for this new tax 2290 season, July 2020 through June 2021. August 31 is the deadline for vehicles first used in July 2020. The Taxes are calculated and paid in full for the 12 month period by the due date. Tax 2290 returns can be electronically prepared, reported and paid to the IRS at TaxExcise.com.

Federal Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290 Amendments Electronic Filing
Amendments are part and parcel of the tax return, gives us an option to correct or update the tax data reported with the Internal Revenue Service. Form 2290 Amendments allows truck taxpayers to correct the Taxable Gross Weight and the Mileage Use Limit reported in the original tax return.
Electronic filing makes it easy to prepare and report tax 2290 amendments on a reported vehicle with-in the current tax year. In form 2290 the amendments refer to changes, additional tax is applicable on a amendment return and that can be paid electronically. The IRS watermarked Schedule 1 proof is made available instantly once the amendment is approved.
Continue reading Federal Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290 Amendments Electronic FilingThinkTrade Inc a Tennessee Based Tax Software Development Company
ThinkTrade Inc. is a federal tax preparation software development company for small businesses, accountants and individuals. The company is headquartered in Brentwood, Tennessee. An IRS authorized electronic filing service provider since 2007. A BBB accredited company with A+ rating since 2010.
ThinkTrade Inc. Owns and Operates TaxExcise.com and Tax2290.com, the most preferred Truck Tax eFile website, most experienced and the 1st IRS authorized eFile provider.

The online web tax product www.TaxExcise.com, is the first of its kind tax preparation application for truckers, owner operators and trucking business owners across America to report and pay Federal Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290 also referred as Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) with the IRS. The Quarterly Federal Excise Tax returns can be prepared and reported using Form 720 through www.TaxExcise.com, this is the only web product to report and pay the Quarterly Federal Excise Tax returns online. The Excise Tax refund claims can be made using Form 8849 from our web products.
Federal Excise Tax consists of 3 major Tax Forms such us:
Form 720 — Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return | www.Tax720.com
Form 2290 — Federal Vehicle Use Tax Return | www.Tax2290.com
Form 8849 — Claim for Refund of Excise Taxes | www.Tax8849.com
Continue reading ThinkTrade Inc a Tennessee Based Tax Software Development Company