Category Archives: PCOI fee online

August 1 is the deadline for reporting federal excise tax form 720, IFTA tax for the second quarter, and annual PCORI fee.

Hello, excise taxpayers and IFTA taxpayers! This message is for you to make you aware of the upcoming deadline for your tax preparations. August 1, 2022, is the deadline for the second quarter of the quarterly federal excise taxes, which are paid using form 720 to the IRS. Also, the annual PCORI fee reported using form 720 on the second quarter of the tax year is due on August 1, 2022. And the IFTA tax for the second quarter is also due on the same date. You can easily e-file form 720 and prepare your IFTA tax reports online at today. So, register for free now.

Continue reading August 1 is the deadline for reporting federal excise tax form 720, IFTA tax for the second quarter, and annual PCORI fee.

Let us celebrate this mid-month e-filing of Form 2290 HVUT & IFTA tax with a surprise discount!

Hello taxpayers! The new tax season, TY 2022-2023, for the HVUT form 2290 is now open, and truckers are actively e-filing form 2290 truck taxes at to stay ahead of the deadline, which is on August 31, 2022. The IFTA tax for the second quarter of this tax year is also due on August 01, 2022.

Continue reading Let us celebrate this mid-month e-filing of Form 2290 HVUT & IFTA tax with a surprise discount!

Quarterly federal excise tax form 720 for the second quarter is due on August 1, 2022.

Hello taxpayers! As the due date for the second quarter of form 720 is approaching soon, you need to prepare and file form 720 before the time runs out. E-file your quarterly excise tax form 720 at today to stay ahead of the deadline and get the acknowledgment of your tax payment from the IRS immediately.

Continue reading Quarterly federal excise tax form 720 for the second quarter is due on August 1, 2022.

Form720 for 2nd quarter of 2021 & 2020 PCORI Fee due TODAY, there are just a few hours left until the deadline to e-file.

The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) fee was introduced as part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) for the sole purpose of funding medical research. Under the Affordable Care Act, issuers of specified health insurance policies and self-insured health plans are required to pay a fee to help with funding the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI). This fee is calculated based on the average number of lives covered and must be reported once a year after the second quarter (April, May & June) ends before July 31st (or the following business day if July 31 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday).

Continue reading Form720 for 2nd quarter of 2021 & 2020 PCORI Fee due TODAY, there are just a few hours left until the deadline to e-file.

IRS Excise Tax Form 720 is now DUE and choose e-Filing

IRS Tax Form 720, or the Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return, is where the businesses across America report and pay the excise taxes, must be completed at end of  every quarter. The Federal  Excise Taxes is imposed on specific goods or services that are manufactured in or imported into the U.S. Excise taxes are often included in the price of the product, like gasoline or alcohol, so you might not even realize you’re paying them. However, if your business sells a good or service that is subject to excise tax, then you are responsible for reporting and paying those taxes; IRS Form 720 allows you to do so.

Federal Quarterly Excise Tax eFiling

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