The Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Form 720 deadlines for the 2nd Quarter of 2020 is July 31, 2020 and just couple of more days to go. All the businesses that has collected excise taxes through the services offered or goods sold has to be reported and paid in Form 720 by July 31. Electronic filing can keep your tax deadline straight and on-time. You can do it by yourself in 3 simple steps at
Continue reading Just couple of days left for 2nd Quarter Form 720 DeadlineTag Archives: Form 720 PCORI fee
10-Year Extension of Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Fee, due by July 31, 2020

Did you know, The first PCORI fee was assessed for plan years ending after Sept. 30, 2012, and the fee for the first plan year was $1 per plan enrolee, it increased to $2 per enrolee in the second year and was then indexed in subsequent years based on the increase of the projected per capita amount of National Health Expenditures.
We have certainly received an influx of inquiries regarding the IRS’ plans for PCORI, and just as we thought, the IRS has EXTENDED the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute Fee (PCORI) for an additional 10 YEARS. As a result of this extension, PCORI fee will continue to be imposed through 2029.
In the Sections 4375 and 4376, the IRS set the amount used to calculate the PCORI fee at $2.54 per person covered by plan years ending Oct. 1, 2019, through Sept. 30, 2020. The applicable rate for policy and plan years ending on or after October 1, 2020, will be included in future revisions.
The next annual fee that sponsors of self-insured health plans must pay to fund the federal Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) is due July 31, 2020, and should be reported on the second quarter filing of 2020.
Continue reading 10-Year Extension of Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Fee, due by July 31, 2020Pay PCORI Fee in SECOND QUARTER Federal Excise Tax Form 720 and JULY 31 is the due date
The Federal Excise Tax returns for the 2nd Quarter of 2020 is now due and July 31 is the due date to report and pay the taxes with the IRS. Electronic filing is the best way to prepare your excise tax returns and to report it with the IRS. Electronic filing guarantees safe and secure filing, fast and quick processing, economic and simple pricing. You never miss out anything that is needed to complete your return and the IRS would be able to process it immediately. PCORI Fee that is reported in the Federal Excise Tax Form 720 along with the 2nd Quarter Returns is due now. July 31, 2020 is the due date and it can be reported and paid online using

Federal Excise Tax REPORTING for 2nd Quarter of 2019
The federal excise tax returns are reported and paid at end of every quarter, the 2nd quarter returns are now due by July 31. IRS Form 720 is the form for reporting federal excise taxes, and it is only filed by those taxpayers – usually businesses – responsible for collecting the excise taxes. Form 720 can be prepared and report online at, an IRS Authorized eFile provider for all Federal Excise Tax Forms, in fact the only provider to support all Excise Tax Forms at one place.
Federal Excise Tax – IRS Tax Form 720
Federal excise tax revenues—collected mostly from sales of motor fuel, airline tickets, tobacco, alcohol, and health-related goods and services—totaled $83.8 billion in 2017, or 2.5 percent of federal tax receipts. Excise taxes are narrowly based taxes on consumption, levied on specific goods, services, and activities. They can be either a per unit tax (such as the per gallon tax on gasoline) or a percentage of price (such as the airline ticket tax). Generally, excise taxes are collected from producers or wholesalers, and are embedded in the price paid by final consumers.
Continue reading Federal Excise Tax REPORTING for 2nd Quarter of 2019Excise Tax Forms 720, 2290 and IFTA Taxes are Due this July
It’s July, and tax time for Excise Tax Filers. By this time last year, you may have had already prepared and ready to report your Form 720 and Form 2290 Tax Returns electronically. This is same time of the year and a gentle reminder for you to file your Federal Excise Tax Returns. E-filing is simple, easy and convenient as you would have experienced in last year. has now made it more easier, simpler and faster… give it a try for free and pay only when you opt to file or print.
Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Form 720 is Due
The 2nd quarter FET, is due now and has to be reported with the IRS by July 31. Excise taxes are taxes paid when purchases are made on a specific good, such as gasoline. Excise taxes are often included in the price of the product. There are also excise taxes on activities, such as on wagering or on highway usage by trucks. One of the major components of the excise program is motor fuel.
The indoor tanning service provider must file this Indoor Tanning Excise Taxes on indoor tanning service employing any electronic product by July 31. Continue reading Excise Tax Forms 720, 2290 and IFTA Taxes are Due this July