Monday is the Due Date to File These Three Taxes!

Time and Tide waits for none! Very old saying but suits every situation especially when it comes to Taxes. July and August are very important months for Excise Tax payers, August 31st will be the due date to renew Form 2290 HVUT for Tax Year 2017 – 2018 but end of July has its own special due dates.

HVUT Form 2290:

The due date to file Form 2290, unlike other months Form 2290 is not due for renewal only for vehicles went into operation the previous month. BY June 30th all the Stamped Schedule 1 Copy would have expired and August will be the deadline to renew Form 2290 for every single Heavy vehicle on the road. Continue reading Monday is the Due Date to File These Three Taxes!

Report Excise Tax on PCORI Fee online

The Federal Excise Taxes for 2nd Quarter  (April to June) of 2017 is due this July and July 31. is the last date to report it with the IRS.

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) imposes a fee on health insurance issuers and plan sponsors of self-insured health plans to help fund the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute. The fee, called the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) fee, is calculated based on the average number of lives covered under the policy or plan.

PCORI fees applies to policy or plan years ending on or after Oct. 1, 2012, and before Oct. 1, 2019 are reported and paid annually using IRS Form 720 (Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return). These fees are due each year by July 31 of the year following the last day of the plan year. This means that, for plan years ending in 2016, the PCORI fees are due by July 31, 2017.  This PCORI fee is based on the average number of lives covered under the policy or plan, can be prepared and reported online with  the IRS at an IRS Authorized e-file service provider for all excise tax forms including Form 720, Quarterly Federal Excise Tax returnContinue reading Report Excise Tax on PCORI Fee online

Excise Tax Forms 720, 2290 and IFTA Taxes are Due this July

It’s July, and tax time for Excise Tax Filers. By this time last year, you may have had already prepared and ready to report your Form 720 and Form 2290 Tax Returns electronically. This is same time of the year and a gentle reminder for you to file your Federal Excise Tax Returns. E-filing is simple, easy and convenient as you would have experienced in last year. has now made it more easier, simpler and faster… give it  a try for free and pay only when you opt  to file or print.

Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Form 720 is Due

The 2nd quarter FET, is due now and has to be reported with the IRS by July 31. Excise taxes are taxes paid when purchases are made on a specific good, such as gasoline. Excise taxes are often included in the price of the product. There are also excise taxes on activities, such as on wagering or on highway usage by trucks. One of the major components of the excise program is motor fuel.

The indoor tanning service provider must file this Indoor Tanning Excise Taxes on indoor tanning service employing any electronic product by July 31. Continue reading Excise Tax Forms 720, 2290 and IFTA Taxes are Due this July

Tax Form 2290 HVUT deadline, Mid Month Alert!

We all know that every trucker out there, are ready to E-file their HVUT Form 2290 for the upcoming tax Year 2017 -18, which is Due before the end of August. Thanks to the Pre-filing Option provided by / – products of ThinkTrade Inc, Busy truckers are already filing their HVUT Tax returns even before the IRS Officially begins processing Tax Returns for 2017 – 2018. It is very easy to get carried away, thinking about the Renewal of your Schedule 1 and forgetting the Tax Deadline that falls by the End of this Month. Continue reading Tax Form 2290 HVUT deadline, Mid Month Alert!

It’s Pre-File Time for your HVUT Form 2290 for Tax Year 2017 – 18

Tax2290--pre-filing-2017-18-FB-bannerLike Every year the most Trusted, Most Experienced and the ONLY DECADE OLD IRS Authorized E-file service provider is now ready to accept Federal Heavy vehicle use Tax form 2290 on a Pre-filing basis. By Pre-filing HVUT Form 2290 with you will stay ahead and will be out of worries when the actual Tax Due dates hit your calendar. Due to the Increasing demand every year for the possibility to Pre-file HVUT, We have prepared our systems and made it ready to accept HVUT Tax Returns for Tax Year 2017 – 2018. Continue reading It’s Pre-File Time for your HVUT Form 2290 for Tax Year 2017 – 18

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