Missed out to report your 2nd Quarter Federal Excise Tax

The Federal Excise Taxes are reported quarterly with the IRS using Federal Excise Tax Form 720, for 2nd Quarter it was due on July 31 and if you have missed out the July deadline, you can still report it online at TaxExcise.com. Reduce your late fee charges, penalties and interest by filing it as early as possible.

Electronic filing is the best way as it reaches IRS in minutes and gets processed immediately with out any further delay. An acknowledgement is share by the IRS on acceptance, we in-return sent it across to your inbox.  E-file is the fastest way to report taxes with the IRS, also the convenient, safe  and secured way. Record keeping is also easy and you can access your tax return any time any day, it is available in our website.  Continue reading Missed out to report your 2nd Quarter Federal Excise Tax

It’s July! E-file Your Second Quarter Federal Excise Tax Form 720

“What’s the difference between a tax auditor and a Rottweiler? A Rottweiler eventually lets go”

Dear Excise Tax Payers, It’s a big hello form the ONLY IRS AUTHORIZED E-FILE SERVICE PROVIDER FOR FORM 720. To help all those Excise Tax payers out there to E-file their Form 720 is a great power, but “With great power comes great responsibility”. Yes! As an IRS Authorized E-file service provider it is our responsibility to remind you all about the upcoming deadline. Continue reading It’s July! E-file Your Second Quarter Federal Excise Tax Form 720

Report and Pay your PCORI Taxes through Second Quarter Form 720!

“Like mothers, taxes are often misunderstood, but seldom forgotten” – Lord Bramwell

Month of July comes in with a lot of due dates for Taxes, Once such Important Tax that is due this July is your Federal Excise Tax Form 720. Form 720 is filed after the End of Ever Quarter making it a Quarterly Federal Excise Tax that is filed on sales of certain Products that come under the Excise Tax Category. Though this Tax is Filed Four Times a year, there is one Special category in this Tax Form that is filed only once a year that is along with the Second Quarter Form 720 and that is Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI). Continue reading Report and Pay your PCORI Taxes through Second Quarter Form 720!

Federal Excise Tax Form 720 for the Second Quarter of 2018 is DUE NOW!

Federal Excise Tax Return online

Memory is the treasury and guardian of all things – Marcus Tullius Cicero

There are several things that we do for which we rely on our memory. Though we remember almost everything that we do on a daily basis, there are quite a few things that we do only once in a month sometimes once in three months which tends to slip out of our memory. By now if you still have not figured out what we are mentioning then you have a poor memory.

Form 720:

Form 720 is a quarterly Tax, one must file it four times a year, Right now it’s time to E-file your Federal Excise tax Form 720 for the Second quarter of 2018, which is due by the end of this month. Form 720 PCORI Excise Tax Filers please note that you file PCORI Taxes only once a year and that is with the Second Quarter Form 720. Continue reading Federal Excise Tax Form 720 for the Second Quarter of 2018 is DUE NOW!

Happy 4th of July Trucking Nation!

Every American soul around the globe is celebrating our national birthday with grills blazing, fireworks bursting, parades and readings of the Declaration of Independence. We www.TaxExcise.com / www.Tax2290.com – Products of ThinkTrade Inc., would like to Wish Every Single Trucking Industry Folk around the nation, who strive hard to move the Nation to Glory a happy 4th of July.

Today as all the 9 to 5 workers, sit in our gardens with a beer can and having fun with our loved ones, we have forgotten the unsung heroes who made this day possible for us. Not those great warriors who fought for us because we never forget them. We are talking about TRUCKERS who are away from their loved ones even now and missing every bit of fun. Continue reading Happy 4th of July Trucking Nation!

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