August 2 is the new deadline for 2nd Quarter Excise Taxes

Time to start working with your federal quarterly excisetax returns for 2nd Quarter of 2021. Excise  taxpayers can do it online at in 3 simple steps. Sign-up, Add your business & tax information, submit, get acknowledge. It is that easy to do it yourself.

Federal Excise Tax can be prepared and reported online at, an IRS authorized eFile provider for all Federal Excise Tax Forms at one place. August 2, 2021 (usually July 31) is the deadline for the 2nd Quarter of 2021 reporting. Try for free and pay only when you print the form or eFile it to the IRS. Talk to our support desk today at 866 245 3918 or email to

Q2 Form 720 eFile







Continue reading August 2 is the new deadline for 2nd Quarter Excise Taxes

Electronic Filing for Federal Excise Taxes Form 720

Are you responsible for collecting, any of the federal excise taxes listed on IRS Quarterly Federal Excise Taxes Form720? then this is a last minute alert for you to work on your Form 720, ExciseTax Reporting for 2nd Quarter of 2021. August 2, 2021 is the Due Date (July 31 is the usual due date to report it), act fast and choose electronic filing at

Electronic filing of Form 720 will allow IRS to provide expedited and improved service and reliability to taxpayers while reducing processing time and errors. 

Q2 - 720 Excisetax Efiling

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2nd Quarter Federal Excise Tax Deadline is fast approaching.

Excise taxpayers you don’t have much time left to complete your 2nd Quarter Form 720 – Quarterly Excise Tax returns with the IRS. It is Due this August 2, 2021 Monday. Usually it falls due on July 31 and this year it was a weekend and the due date moved to the next business working day.

The Federal Excise taxes are paid on the service offered or goods sold that was included with a excise tax and reported in the IRS tax form 720. Electronic Filing is easy, fast and convenient; join millions of taxpayers enjoying the convenience and ease of online filing, immediate acknowledgement of receipt and faster service.

Excise Tax eFile

Continue reading 2nd Quarter Federal Excise Tax Deadline is fast approaching.

PCORI Fee Reporting in Excise Tax Form 720

Experience the best way to report and pay your Federal Excise Tax Returns with the IRS. Going Digital means Easier Bookkeeping, time to move on with digital tax solutions to handle your business priorities.

PCORI Fee (Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute)

PCORI fees are reported and paid annually using IRS Form 720 (Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return). These fees are due each year by July 31 of the year following the last day of the plan year. For plan years ending in 2020, the PCORI fees are due by Aug. 2, 2021 (since July 31, 2021, is a Saturday).

PCORI Fee - Due - July 31
Continue reading PCORI Fee Reporting in Excise Tax Form 720

Electronic filing for Form 720 ease your tax reporting

The Quarterly Federal Excise Taxes reported in IRS Tax Form 720 is now due for the 2nd Quarter 2021, choose electronic filing and report the tax returns online in 3 simple steps. Electronic filing is fast and easy, accurate filing guaranteed, receive instant acceptance from the IRS. is the top rated website to report and pay the Quarterly Excise Tax returns with the IRS. The only website that supports electronic filing at an affordable rate, Zero Liability 720 return pricing starts at $29.99.

Q2 Form 720 eFile
Continue reading Electronic filing for Form 720 ease your tax reporting
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