Tag Archives: Efile servers

IRS Servers May be Down, but you can Still Efile with Taxexcise.com!

shutdown2016 is almost gone. Let the dead past bury its own dead. 2017 is about to take possession of the clock of time. All hail the duties and possibilities of the coming twelve months. Hope you all had a great Christmas & sure you all have plans in place for New Year. Folks in Trucking Industry mostly don’t get to celebrate Christmas or New Year with their loved ones, which is a Sad Fact.

www.Taxexcise.com – a product of Think Trade Inc, wishes every hard working Trucker & professionals involved in trucking a very Happy New Year 2017. Truckers are known for a millions of things they do, one of the most important thing they are known for is being on time. Truckers are Perfect example for punctuality. They pre-plan everything and hit bull’s eye every single time. Continue reading IRS Servers May be Down, but you can Still Efile with Taxexcise.com!