Best Way To Pay Excise Tax – EFTPS

When it comes to paying taxes, the best way is that which makes mutual convenience the pivot of the whole process. Computers and the internet have travelled a long way in comforting us, yet, are tirelessly moving forward each day. One of their prime destinations of comfort for U.S. taxpayers is the EFTPS (The Electronic Federal Tax Payment System). Powered for free usage by the U.S. Department of Treasury in the year 1996, EFTPS houses over 12 million taxpayers and has handled over 1.16 billion electronic payments. Having said that it is a government website, you are free to enroll eyes closed. It is like the trust you learnt from your parents. You don’t have to worry about getting caught in phishing scams and being fooled by other internet villains. So what features benefit taxpayers from inside EFTPS?

Assured Safety

You can make your federal tax payments electronically using EFTPS, only on 128-bit encryption version of browsers. A combination of unique information such as Taxpayer Identification Number (EIN or SSN), EFTPS Personal Identification Number (PIN) and an Internet Password authenticates a user as an enrolled user. This allows him/her to access the payment route inside EFTPS and adds to the security of the site and the privacy of taxpayer data. Have you experienced safety of similar standards over a web application recently? It must have been on tax2290, in case you are a trucker who just filed you form 2290!

Absolute Convenience

Taxpayers can initiate tax payments from wherever they are, at whatever time they want to, 24/7. EFTPS is available on the internet as well as over phone leaving the mode selection at the convenience of the user. Apart from this, tax payments can be scheduled in advance and one can check up to 16 months of payment history online or by calling their customer service. Ask what absolute convenience actually is from truck owners who made their tax filings through us!

Abiding Accuracy

EFTPS does what you say, accurately on time. When you instruct the application to deduct funds from your account, it does so on the specified date and sends an acknowledgement immediately to you followed by your bank statement confirmation of the payment made. Accuracy is a closely related term to the tax calculations made at taxexcise, for taxpayers!

Prior to paying taxes, filing your returns is important. Again, enjoy such and even more convenient features of computers and the internet to file heavy vehicle use tax return, its corresponding amendments at tax2290 and claim credits that you are eligible for at tax8849! For assistance, reach out to us at 866-245 3918 or

Salutation for the women in trucking!!!

5% (or more) of the composition of the trucking industry in America are women. For the convenient advantages in the industry or for any other reason, more and more women are stepping to run the wheels each year. People who say ‘trucking is not where women land up for it is too rough and stressful for them’, are considered mere ignorant of today’s world. Women have been in trucking from as long as there have been trucks. Lillie Elizabeth Drennan, apart from being the first lady to be Commercial driver licensed in 1929, was also the first ever woman to take ownership of trucking business. She operated her business successfully for nearly 24 years despite long routes, rough roads and stress from the opposition. Her legacy has inspired many, especially women, to follow her steps into trucking industry to take forward driving as a career.

Women share the dreams and difficulties of the roads as far as driving trucks is concerned and the industry wouldn’t be running the same way without these dedicated women of wheels. Tax2290 salutes all women drivers for their courage, patience and power that they possess to run the wheels on roads. As owners, they now can file form 2290 for their heavy truck’s heavy vehicle use tax online, so fast and safely. It doesn’t take much time to fill in the IRS form 2290 requisite details and the filers would be returned with Schedule 1 copy within minutes.

Women in Trucking has been working towards the encouragement of employment of women in the trucking industry, promotion of their accomplishments and minimization of obstacles faced by these women. They have been actively working for the motivation of the transportation industry and their women-related activities chiefly. Tax2290 is a proud member of the Women In Trucking Association extending our support to help them provide the necessary resources to encourage women having goals inclined towards the trucking industry. We also heartily congratulate Ellen Voie, President/CEO and founder of the Women In Trucking Association, who has been honored by the White House in “ordinary Americans doing extraordinary things” through its “Champions of Change” initiative on Aug 6th, 2012. There’s another date of high cardinality to truck owners, 31st August, 2012, which is the last date to file HVUT tax returns.For more information on due date extension due to Labor Day weekend IRS shut down, click here.

“e-file makes life easy”, says an experienced Tax professional

The doors of Tax2290 were wide open, this time offline, in position for the much awaited entry of an otherwise busy tax professional (TP hereafter). In a blue jean and white formal shirt he came in and took his interview-ready clean seat. “Sorry for eating up some of your precious time this tax season”, said one of our Tax2290 professional (T2290P hereupon) with a gentle smile.

TP: Oh not really! e-file makes it pretty easy these days.

T2290P: Happy to be servicing professionals like you any day. So, everyone’s talking about going paperless including the IRS. What does this mean for you?

TP: Of course, it means tax returns would be filed electronically instead of filling out in papers and mailing them to the IRS for processing. Now that’s not as easy as just said. It involves a lot of overhead related to postage charges, errors and cycles of corrections. The IRS has made it mandatory that any tax professional who prepares 11 or more tax returns has to electronically file all of those returns. This also means that your tax preparer is as well getting transitioned to being paperless as well. More and more tax professionals are storing their back-up documentation and past tax returns electronically as PDF’s. So, e-filing for clients on websites like yours makes our life as tax professionals so easy and I only wish this was available years ago itself for I would not have seen my dad getting troubled with papers and tension all around him. (Smiles)

T2290P: What would you point out as advantages of e-filing to clients who come to you or in general to those who file Form 2290 themselves online?

TP: You go green immediately, contributing your little part to pause the green-eating society. The ability to file your tax returns round the clock throughout the week right at your desk at home makes life very comfortable and easy. The speed of the entire tax return process dramatically increases with e-filing over paper due to advanced internet capabilities thus saving you money and energy worked out on postage/fax/courier/delivery charges, which of course can be used over a million other valuables. You can readily keep yourselves away from legendary difficulties like waiting endlessly for approvals, moving here and there for additional information etc because everything is checked and verified for errors right at the tax internet stop. And to add pie to all this, comes your schedule 1 copy to your desk within minutes as a proof of payment. What more reasons does anyone need to use e-file services online?

T2290P: Ahh. If only I was a trucker, I would have immediately used such a tax life pacifier. So one last question. How strongly would you recommend the e-file option this tax season for its safety?

TP: I have long been a serious advocate of the electronic filing (e-file) system. In my experience in both paper as well as today’s modernized e-file systems, I can confidently say e-filing tax returns is definitely quicker than mailing a paper return, much secure, and certainly reduces the risk for errors. It doubtlessly saves time and reduces headache for all the parties involved as long as the files are securely stored over the internet like now. I’d rather have ten years worth of CD’s on my shelf than ten years worth of boxes. Does anyone need anything stronger?

Before we could send him off in warmth for spending some valuable time with us, his phone rang and we could hear him say “Yes. Please stay right there. Am coming in minutes. And yes, I do use only e-file system for Form 2290 this season so you don’t have to worry too much.

He turned to us and said, “Thanks for this interview. I hope everything will shine like sun this season. Bye” and we said, “Thanks a ton for your time. Bye.

Not to forget, the closing date for filing Form 2290 for the year 2012-2013 is, the 31st of August, 2012. Get back to your computer-facing seats before that and start the e-file form 2290 process at Need assistance in between, make a call @ 1-866-245-3918 or write to

How to choose tax preparers?

Whether we like it or not, tax laws and filing formalities these days are never as simple as filing through words. It is very likely that we overlook figures we are entitled to. At the end of it all, individual filing will let you stand with more questions than answers. In such a case, filing your Form 2290 online with an IRS authorized software provider like with complete end-end assistance for e-filing would do great. If you don’t have time or the patience even for that, there are always tax professionals to tie up with who prepare tax returns and file them up for you, for some fee. Tax preparation may be done by a licensed professional such as an attorney, certified public accountant or enrolled agent, or by an unlicensed tax preparation business. Since you are responsible for what’s on your return even though you file it through a tax professional, you have to be wise in choosing the right one. IRS suggests a few factors that would help make such wise decisions.

Qualification of the preparer: Make sure they have their mandatory TPIN (Preparer Tax Identification Number) and have met the minimum competency requirements.

Preparer’s history: Check for any disciplinary actions and licensure status.

Service Fee: Your refund is yours. Do not rely on preparers who base their fee on your refund.

Electronic filing: Verify if they practice the safe and secure electronic filing of your returns. It is mandatory for them to file online through IRS authorized service providers like, while filing for 10 or more returns, unless told otherwise by clients.

Tax professional’s accessibility: You should be able to contact your tax preparer after the return has been filed, in case of any issues.

Never sign a blank return: Do not proceed with preparers who ask you to sign blank tax forms.

Review the returns before signing: Review the filled forms, raise questions and become clear as to what’s happening around the form, check for accuracy and sign once you are comfortable.

Preparer’s signature: As per law, the preparer should sign the return and include their PTIN. You are responsible thereafter, so verify accuracy.

After all this if you successfully decide upon some tax professional’s name to carry forward your return filing, suggest them so that you and your tax preparer mutually enjoy a convenient e-file process on-line. For any detailed queries you have on E-filing your Excise taxes reach us at 866-245-3918 or simply email us to

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