Tips for Improving Fuel Mileage in Your Diesel Truck

How often have you tried to improve the fuel mileage of your diesel truck? As a truck driver, this would be one of the primary concerns but not always if you follow the care and maintenance tips regularly.  Moreover, as the fuel costs are frequently on a rise, it is extremely important to get good mileage from your truck. Taking the right precautions at the right time is the right way to save money and keep your truck healthy. Here’s a run-down of stress-free ways that can help your truck move efficiently.

  •  Regular Care and Maintenance:

Would you skip your meals for a day if you have work or wait for the weekend to do the everyday chores? Of course not, then why take chances when it comes to the care and maintenance of your truck. Regular maintenance helps in the smooth running of the vehicle and uses less fuel too. Doing few simple tasks can help you avoid the bad after-effects such as check if the tires are properly inflated, change the oil regularly, regular engine maintenance, clean the air filter, and keep the fuel injectors clean.

  • Accelerate in a Slower Pace:

Driving at a slower pace is not something that many truck drivers would love especially if it is a powerful diesel truck. But doing so will help them save fuel and add to the vehicle’s efficiency. According to experts, “it takes 4 times more power to push your truck against air resistance at 70mph as it does when you’re driving 35mph”.

  • Lighten the Vehicle:

Keeping the vehicle excessively loaded like carrying the unwanted metal boxes burns more fuel. Therefore, it is advisable to free the vehicle from excess load and lighten the truck to save fuel and money. Taking few simple steps can increase the fuel mileage of your diesel truck.

Hope the aforementioned tips help you increase the fuel mileage of your truck and its efficiency too. Similarly, save your time and efforts by filling your returns at, the e-filling expert. We are the one stop solution to all your e-filing needs. Get your questions answered at 1-866-245-3918 or write to Have a happy trucking!

Let’s Measure Our Love

Nothing could be rated down than slipping a love-wrapped gift to your better half. You might be in love or in a relationship. May be married even! The timely gift speaks your love for her/him. Romantic time in your life comes often. Let’s make this Feb-14, a little more special. Being well-wisher of truckers, we can simply feel your rough task to roam around the city. How bad it would be missing your loved one. Why can’t you make much outta this day? We know when it comes to money or relationship, you will choose relationship. Yes! Relationships are important too.

If your valentine stays home (Gifts for women):

Do take some little time to know what’s going on her life, when you are away from home. Check out whether she has proper food diet, while she misses you. Realize the efforts she puts in to bring up your children on her own. Know her wishes and take this chance to fulfill them.

Some gift ideas:

  • A hand-written letter, closer to her heart.
  • Candies & chocolates
  • A beautiful dress that she love to wear
  • Booking for a relaxing spa or a romantic movie
  • Personalized gifts like photo printed Tees, photo frames and coffee cup
  • A candle light dinner

We personally don’t believe in gifting flowers or candies to women. Not all the women love flowers. Some may treasure it, while others look for some expensive kinda gift. So open your purse at least now!

These gifts could be attractive. But remember no gift would be greater than your presence.

If your valentine trucks (Gifts for men):

Before you make any plan for this day, just think off how your true love suffers all the time in huge traffic, irritating noise from blowing horns, driving long hours gearing it apt for winter etc., Get to know his pains. Now your mind says, “Let me ease his pain by showering loads of love” And it is valid to plan for the day.

  • Present him an all new love-photo of you couples that could make him think of him at anytime he sees that.
  • Prepare a special meal on the day. It’s better to bake something he preferably likes.
  • If he has to run behind the wheel, then pack those dishes shaping up them in to heart form. In times, it may even end up in the shape of lungs or liver. Doesn’t matter!! Love that counts J
  • A music player gift, Old idea but still makes perfect sense. Utility matters
  • You might belong to any community. Get your god’s perfect love book, which would not be a trouble to carry along trucking.

God’s perfect love books!

In the mean time, make some ample time love your country too. Pay taxes on time or file an extension to avoid penalties. Happy e-filing!

Stress free way to manage IRS tax penalties and Interests.

If you are one among them who say, “It’s difficult to deal with IRS” or who feel stressed away with charges, then this is exactly for you. You often hear your mind chanting it when you are caught up with bills, penalties or interest by IRS. Let’s quickly explore the possible ways for IRS penalties reliefs in few seconds.

Know how

  • As a general rule, you have to request IRS at once to eliminate tax penalty charges billed upon you. IRS also looks for some basic documentation while accessing your case.
  • No standardized IRS form or confusing formats to fill your tax relief request. If you have valid documentation to substantiate for not filing or paying on time, write it down. Whatever that delayed your action! But not that you have been to honeymoon! Be as explicit as possible. So when IRS looks at your case, it is likely to deal your case quickly.
  • For Example, IRS will remove your penalty without question if you could verify your family death, which stopped you from filing on time.
  • Commit to memory that there is certain IRS penalty relief regulation for Internal Revenue Service to allow partially or completely waive your penalty charges.
  • By default, check twice that you own all those photocopies which witness the communication between you & IRS, if possible originals & phone correspondence too.

In most cases, unless you show that the IRS made a glitch, you owe the amount of interest. Also remember IRS looks at interests and penalties separately. Penalties are bit easier than interest to eliminate.  If you still deny penalties and interest, bankruptcy can merely help you, which can be applied only during extreme circumstances. So, why such trials? To avoid complication, file your taxes at Taxexcise in time. Give us a call at 1-866-245-3918 for any questions, no matter when!

Five Good Reasons to E-file Your Tax Return

If you haven’t tried e-filing before, now is the time. Most taxpayers – more than 80 percent – file electronically. The IRS has processed more than 1 billion tax returns safely and securely since the nationwide debut of electronic filing in 1990. Fewer people file a paper tax return every year. Here are five good reasons to e-file your tax return: Continue reading Five Good Reasons to E-file Your Tax Return

IRS Form 720 Deadline for the Fourth Quarter Of 2012

Fourth Quarter Deadline

Forgot about your fourth due for federal excise taxes? We ( are here to remind you to e-file your IRS Form 720 for the fourth quarter of the year 2012. The deadline ends on January 31st 2013. This Federal Excise Tax Return is for the fourth quarter, i.e. for October, November and December of 2012. Continue reading IRS Form 720 Deadline for the Fourth Quarter Of 2012

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