Frequently Asked Questions on Medical Device Excise Tax (Part-II)

Greetings from, in our previous blog we discussed about the Frequently Asked Questions raised by our Medical Device Excise Tax Filers and here, we are posting the second set of questions for your understanding.

Keep reading to enrich your knowledge about Medical Device Excise tax Continue reading Frequently Asked Questions on Medical Device Excise Tax (Part-II)

Frequently Asked Questions on Medical Device Excise Tax

Hello Taxpayers, hope you’re fit and fine. However, today we would be providing you information on Medical Device taxes, which was developed the final regulation with the consultation of technical experts at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services after taking a deep insight on the public comments.

The IRS developed the final regulations in consultation with technical experts at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and after carefully reviewing numerous public comments. Continue reading Frequently Asked Questions on Medical Device Excise Tax

What is IRS Form 8849 Schedule 1? Read it here!

Heya! We’re back with a bang, lot more to share and update our knowledge with. This time it’s not going to be the same old dedication to our audience and bore you all. We decided to take a chance and discuss about Form 8849 and its schedules falling in the category. We hope this interests you.

A week back, we had posted a blog “What Is an IRS Form 8849 Schedule 3?” and today, we would like to share more about IRS form 8849 schedule-1. Continue reading What is IRS Form 8849 Schedule 1? Read it here!

Buckle Up Tax Filers! Excise Tax Filing Due is Soon Approaching!

The fun and celebrations for Christmas and New Year has just got over but the onset of the year 2014 brings in lots of responsibilities too. Business owners not only have to make the difficult calculations for the smooth running of their business but making tax calculations is also something that is unavoidable. Filing form 720 for individuals and businesses is not an easy task therefore; many excise tax filers choose the e filing option. However, it is important to file before the deadline expires to stay safe from paying penalties. As a gentle reminder, the last day for filing form 720 for the 4th quarter of 2013 is approaching soon. Continue reading Buckle Up Tax Filers! Excise Tax Filing Due is Soon Approaching!

What Is an IRS Form 8849 Schedule 3?

Warm welcome to our blog, the only place where sharing of information as well as knowledge upgrading takes place. Our lives run on roller skates, with no minimum pace. In such cases, these blog posts come for your rescue.

Today, we will be sharing a post on what is IRS form 8849 Schedule3 and its purpose. We hope that it provides you with the sufficient information you’re looking for. Continue reading What Is an IRS Form 8849 Schedule 3?

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