Extended FATHERS DAY discount at TaxExcise.com

Father’s Day is a day to honor all the fathers for everything they did for their children. This is an occasion to express gratitude towards your dad for all his love and support. Father’s Day is celebrated third Sunday of June and this year it is on June 17th. We’re celebrating Father’s Day through out this week by sharing a 10% Flat OFF on efiling 2290 Truck Tax Returns.

Happy Father's Day

Father’s Day give us the opportunity to express thanks to our Daddy for all their unconditional love and affection. Observance of Father’s Day makes fathers feel that their contributions are acknowledged in the society and also by their children. We join you in make it a big saving week for all the Truckers out there and a great moment for son’s to save 10% for their Trucker Dad, on the 2290 electronic filing. Yes, Form 2290 is about to fall due and we’re already accepting 2290s for the upcoming tax period July 2018 – June 2019.

My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me. No matter how you call him, that matters a little; he definitely needs to be honored on Father’s Day for what all he has done for you and the family all through his life! Happy Father’s Day to all Father’s out in the road. Treat yourself a 10% discount on 2290 electronic filing at Tax2290.com / TaxExcise.com.