Electronic filing helps the Federal Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290 filers to report and pay the 2290 Truck Taxes faster, easier and more accurately than with traditional paper forms. We offer full featured online web based tax software, a self-serviced website to prepare the 2290 tax returns and pay electronically. The IRS encourages every truck taxpayer to choose electronic filing for the convenience and faster processing of tax returns, the IRS watermarked Schedule 1 Proof of Payment will be sent to them instantly once it is accepted. Correcting the errors on a rejected return is also easy, and the turn around time of processing is faster and the updated Schedule 1 is sent to the inbox directly. No delays, accurate tax math, on-time filing and filing at your comfort, no need to walk-in to a local IRS taxpayer assistance center booking appointments. Do it online from wherever you’re at anytime, 24X7 a day and 7 days a week.
Form 2290 – Electronic Filing – Schedule 1 Proof:
Electronic filing or E-File is required for reporting IRS Form 2290 and paying taxes on 25 vehicles or more in a tax return. However, all taxpayers are encouraged to file electronically as it allows for quicker processing of your 2290 tax return. When e-filed a stamped Schedule 1 proof can be available within minutes after filing and acceptance by the IRS.
2290 tax preparation with comprehensive step-by-step guidance that helps tax filers complete their tax returns with ease and send them the IRS stamped Schedule-1 proof in minutes – without paying a premium price.
Form 2290 – Filing Period – August 31:
The renewal period for HVUT Form 2290 is typically from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. Normally this 2290 tax is reported for the Tax Year between July 2020 and August 31, filing after that would get penalties and late filing charges for vehicles that is first used in July 2020. The 2290 taxes are calculated based on the Taxable Gross Weight and the First Used Month in a tax year.
For most truckers August 31 is the due date irrespective of your earlier filing period. All heavy highway vehicles with a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds and above have to be reported and the 2290 taxes are to be paid. The Form 2290 is is based on the month you first use the taxable vehicle on public highways during the reporting period. When you have not used your vehicle in July 2020 and put to use in this August 2020, you have a prorated 2290 taxes calculated from August 2020 through June 2021.
IRS Watermarked Schedule 1 – Proof of Payment:
The Form 2290 and Schedule 1 copy act as a valid proof of payment for the Federal Vehicle Use Tax on a taxable vehicle. The Vehicle Identification Number and the Business Details on the Schedule 1 copy stands as a valid proof of payment, when ever the vehicle is to be registered with DOT/DMV agencies would ask for Schedule 1 with the VIN imprinted on it and IRS watermarked eFile logo with date. You must present your stamped Schedule 1 when registering your vehicle.
To avoid problems, ensure the watermark (stamp) on your printed copy of Schedule 1 is completely legible before submitting it to your state department of motor vehicles.

What’s needed to e-file Form 2290?
Employer Identification Number (EIN): An EIN is required to e-file Form 2290. You cannot use your Social Security number. If you need to apply for an EIN, access the Trucking Tax Center website, www.irs.gov/ trucker, and select the “Need an EIN?” box. It takes approximately two weeks to establish a new EIN in the IRS system, at which point you can e-file Form 2290.
Name Control: You must know the business name used to operate your business. This business name (or name control) must match the IRS records you established when you obtained your EIN or the IRS won’t be able to process your Form 2290. Note: Your e-file provider does not have this information.
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN): You must have your complete VIN to e-file Form 2290. If your vehicle’s VIN is less than 17 digits, enter zeros preceding your VIN so that it equals 17 digits.
Taxable Gross Weight: You must know the taxable gross weight of your vehicle(s) to determine the appropriate amount of Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax.
E-filing your Form 2290
The speed and reliability of electronic filing is now available to you. Filing your Form 2290 electronically through an IRS-approved e-file provider https://TaxExcise.com will save your personal resources (for example, time and postage) and reduce preparation and processing errors.
Electronically filing Form 2290 is easy and convenient. You can safely and securely e-file your return from any computer, cell phone or electronic device 24/7.
Tax2290.com and TaxExcise.com are product’s of ThinkTrade Inc. a Tennessee based Tax Software Development company since 2007, we’re an authorized eFile service provider. The first website to get listed as the approved eFile provider for all Federal Excise Tax Forms.