What Is an IRS Form 8849 Schedule 3?

Warm welcome to our blog, the only place where sharing of information as well as knowledge upgrading takes place. Our lives run on roller skates, with no minimum pace. In such cases, these blog posts come for your rescue.

Today, we will be sharing a post on what is IRS form 8849 Schedule3 and its purpose. We hope that it provides you with the sufficient information you’re looking for. Continue reading What Is an IRS Form 8849 Schedule 3?

New Year Surprise from TaxExcise.com – The Leading Excise Tax Filing Website

The clock has started ticking and the countdown has begun when we all would be stepping into a new year with new promises and resolutions. Although celebrations are its peak but we at TaxExcise.com would never forget to thank you and wish that the coming year is filled with prosperity and happiness. The season of paying taxes would never change and filing your tax return online makes the process smooth and hassle-free, as well as paying tax dues on time saves you from penalties. Thank you for supporting us and help us achieve the recognition in the tax filing industry. Continue reading New Year Surprise from TaxExcise.com – The Leading Excise Tax Filing Website

This Christmas, E-File Excise Tax Return at a Discounted Value with TaxExcise.com

Merry Christmas Taxpayers! The family dinner, meeting your near and dear ones, and the gifts sharing sessions all of them make Christmas memorable. We do not always need a reason to celebrate and during the holiday season the reason becomes all the more obvious. Christmas is eagerly awaited every year may be is for Santa’s gifts, family get-together or for decorating the house. Searching the web can help you find exciting offers on filing excise tax returns too. Therefore, if you are to report excise taxes i.e, form 720, 2290, 8849, form 2290 amendment, or file IFTA, filling it with TaxExcise.com can help you save some dollars and grab surprising gifts too. Continue reading This Christmas, E-File Excise Tax Return at a Discounted Value with TaxExcise.com

Know the Differences between Excise Tax and City Tax

The Internal Revenue Service collects taxes every quarter for selling of specific commodities such as gasoline. Besides, there being excise taxes individuals in the U.S have to file city taxes to report their income or property. Although, most individuals and businesses would be aware of the differences between the two tax returns but, those filing either of the taxes for the first need to have a clear understanding of both the taxes to make the filing process smooth. Additionally, e filing is better than paper filing, as this saves time also adding ease. Read below to learn how both the taxes are different. Continue reading Know the Differences between Excise Tax and City Tax

History about Federal Excise Taxes- Known And Unknown

Taxes are the major way for the government to make money. Federal excise taxes are imposed on the purchase and sale of goods such gasoline including truck owners and operators handling the trucking business.  If you own a business in the U.S and responsible to file any of the federal excise taxes listed on the Part I or II in IRS form 720, then you must file every quarter and before the time expires. Filing excise tax in the US has an interesting history and reading this blog will provide you an insight into the trend for filing excise tax in the U.S have an interesting history and reading this blog will provide brief insight into the evolution of the Federal excise tax. Continue reading History about Federal Excise Taxes- Known And Unknown

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