Hurry Up! Form 2290 HVUT returns for February Used Vehicles are Due Soon!

Hello, truckers! This message is to remind you that if you have February used heavy vehicles in your fleet, it is time to report your Form 2290 HVUT tax returns to the IRS. The last date to report the Form 2290 tax reports for February used heavy vehicles is April 1, 2024. Therefore, you must report your Form 2290 tax returns at the earliest and get the Schedule 1 copy before the time runs out. You don’t have to pay or report your taxes for the entire tax period. You must pay only for the months you use your heavy vehicles on public highways. This is how the pro-rated or partial period taxes work; you should estimate your 2290 tax returns from the vehicle’s first used month until the end of the ongoing tax period. The last date to report pro-rated 2290 taxes is the end of the month following the first month of the vehicle’s use. If the last date falls on a weekend or public holiday, then it rolls over to the next working day.

The last date is April 1, 2024!

For vehicles used in February, you must estimate your Form 2290 tax reports on a pro-rated basis from February to June 2024. As the last date (end of March) is on the weekend, you should report your pro-rated taxes on or before April 1, 2024. Since the deadline is in a few days, E-filing pro-rated Form 2290 HVUT returns is the best option to beat the deadline, have a stress-free tax reporting process, and get the instant IRS digitally watermarked Schedule 1 copy to continue your trucking operations smoothly.

E-file Form 2290 pro-rated tax returns in today! is an IRS-approved modernized Form 2290 online e-filing service provider. We have been in this service for nearly two decades, fulfilling the truckers’ tax reporting needs. Truckers can comfortably E-file Form 2290 truck tax online at We offer simple, quick, and accurate Form 2290 E-filing services. With all the necessary details and information ready, you can complete the Form 2290 E-filing process in just a few minutes at and get your official IRS digitally stamped/watermarked Schedule 1 copy directly to your e-mail. You can E-file Form 2290 and pay your tax dues to the IRS at We offer all the IRS-approved tax payment methods like EFW, EFTPS, credit/debit cards, and even check or money orders. As preparing and reporting Form 2290 gets complicated due to the involvement of many attributes like vehicle information, weight category, and tax dues calculation, our platform offers you a complete set of features that help you prepare your 2290 pro-rated tax reports quickly and accurately. is an effective platform to report your pro-rated Form 2290 tax reports hassle-free, even if you choose to report your taxes at the eleventh hour.

We also accept all the major credit/debit cards for your service charge payments for Our payment gateway is powered by the latest encryptions that ensure smooth and secure online transactions. You no longer have to worry about anything once you register with to E-file form 2290 online. We guarantee the smooth transaction of your tax payments in our highly secure network. For queries and support, don’t hesitate to contact our customer help desk at 1-866-245-3918 (toll-free) or write to us at; we will reply to you promptly.