Get Ahead of the Game: A Guide to Pre-filing Form 2290 for the New Tax Year! 

Greetings to all truckers and trucking taxpayers! As the new tax season approaches, it is time to start thinking about your annual Form 2290 HVUT obligations. There’s hardly a month left for the season to start, and the IRS is going to be flooded with Form 2290 HVUT tax returns. In order to stay ahead of the crowd and to fulfil your tax obligations on time, Form 2290 pre-filing is your strategic move that can save time, eradicate stress, and ensure compliance. is open to Form 2290 pre-file for the new TY, 2024-2025. is an IRS-approved modernized Form 2290 E-filing service provider. To benefit our patrons and the trucking community of the United States, we have started to accept Form 2290 for the upcoming tax season, 2024-2025. Generally, tax season begins in July and ends in next June. The IRS accepts Form 2290 HVUT returns for the new season from the beginning of July, and the last date to report Form 2290 returns is the end of August. Therefore, the truck taxpayers have hardly two months to file their truck tax reports to the IRS and get the Schedule 1 copy as proof of the 2290 tax payment. As the time window to report Form 2290 taxes is a hard squeeze, there are high chances that your Form 2290 tax reports processing might get delayed in the seasonal surge. So, it is highly recommendable to use this early bird chance and pre-file Form 2290 tax reports on for stress-free filing.

Please remember that the IRS accepts Form 2290 tax reports only after the beginning of the new season. If you pre-file Form 2290 tax returns, our secure system holds them and forwards them to the IRS as soon as they open for the season. In this way, you will get your 2290 tax reports processed even before the seasonal surge and get the Schedule 1 copy as soon as possible, helping you have a stress-free tax season.

So, start pre-filing Form 2290 for the new tax season to steer clear of the seasonal surge,

A simple guide that helps you to Pre-file Form 2290 tax returns for the new season, 

  • The first step to pre-file or E-file your Form 2290 in our platform or any online platform is to ensure that you have a valid Employer Identification Number (EIN). If you don’t have an EIN, you can apply online on the official IRS website and get it as soon as possible.
  • If you are a part of, you can log in to your account straight away. If you are new to our platform, register for free and create a new account.
  • Select the business for which you are reporting Form 2290 tax reports.
  • Choose the tax year for which you will prepare and report Form 2290 HVUT returns (in this case, it’s TY, 2024-2025).
  • Input the necessary details about your vehicles, including VIN, weight category, mileage, etc. If you are pre-filing for multiple vehicles in your fleet, you can choose the ‘bulk upload’ option to upload all vehicle details through an Excel sheet. If you are renewing the last year’s tax returns, you can use the ‘clone tax returns’ option to use the previous year’s tax reports for this season. Suppose you want to reuse the vehicle information from the previously filed tax reports. In that case, you can choose the ‘import data’ option to fetch the necessary information for your current tax report preparations. Remember that you can use the ‘clone tax returns’ or ‘import data’ option only if you had already E-filed previous Form 2290 tax returns in our platform.
  • Once you have completed preparing the tax reports, you can use the validate option to check for accuracy and submit the tax returns for pre-filing after paying the appropriate service charges based on the package you have opted for in our platform.
  • We will hold your Form 2290 returns securely and forward them once the IRS starts accepting them for TY 2024-2025. You can pay your tax dues online during that time, and they will send the digitally watermarked Schedule 1 copy to your registered email.

For more information on Form 2290 Pre-file, please get in touch with our customer support team at (866) 245 – 3918 on all working days from 8 AM to 6 PM EST, or write us at for more queries.