Form 2290 Prorated truck taxes for October used trucks are due today!

Hello, truckers! Form 2290 HVUT for the heavy vehicles or trucks used from October 2022 is due on November 30, 2022, which is today. Therefore, prepare and report your form 2290 truck taxes to the IRS and get the schedule 1 copy by the end of this day. Otherwise, the IRS will charge you penalties, late charges, and interest on your tax dues. If you wonder how to report and pay your tax dues at the last minute, don’t worry, e-file form 2290 at to easily e-file form 2290 online and get the instant official schedule 1 copy.

Prorated form 2290 truck taxes

Generally, truckers and trucking taxpayers must report form 2290 HVUT for their heavy vehicles and trucks in advance when the tax period begins. The tax period begins in July and ends next June. And truckers are expected to report and pay the truck taxes using form 2290 to the IRS and get a valid schedule 1 copy to operate their trucking business smoothly. For the heavy vehicles or trucks used any month other than July or recently purchased, form 2290 HVUT is charged on a prorated basis. These prorated form 2290 truck taxes are calculated from the heavy vehicle’s first used month till the end of the ongoing tax period. The last date to report form 2290 prorated truck taxes is the end of the following month of the heavy vehicle’s first used month. In this case, prorated 2290 truck taxes must be estimated from October to June, and the last date to report form 2290 HVUT is the end of November.

All heavy vehicles must report form 2290 taxes.

All taxable heavy vehicles with a total gross weight of 55,000 pounds or above and estimated to run more than 5,000 miles (7500 miles for agricultural vehicles) are eligible for form 2290 truck tax payments. The trucks that don’t belong in the taxable heavy vehicle category must report form 2290 as tax-suspended vehicles. These vehicles are not entitled to any 2290 tax payments.

E-file form 2290 prorated taxes at now!

As the deadline to report form 2290 prorated truck taxes for October used heavy vehicle is today, you must e-file form 2290 at and get the schedule 1 copy straight to your email address. We offer form 2290 e-filing services at the most economical pricing structures. The service charge to e-file form 2290 for a single vehicle is just $29.99. For queries and support, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our customer help desk at 1-866-245-3918 (toll-free) or write to us at; we will reply to you promptly.