Employee Identification Number

Filing tax is important and mandatory if you are dealing with heavy vehicle. There is certain information required while you are filing form 2290 and among them EIN, otherwise known as Employee Identification Number. The combination of the EIN and the name of the taxpayer is created into a unique identifier and stands as an identification number for IRS to recognize you.

When you are filing form 2290, it is important to provide IRS with the right EIN, and if by any chance, the EIN does not match the records; your return is likely to be rejected.

However, if you don’t remember the EIN or have misplaced the same, you can reach IRS at 1-866-699-4096 and they would look into it for you. And if you are totally new to the business and you are checking out methods to apply for an EIN, we will tell you how to receive EIN.

Apply EIN Online:

Applying EIN online is the most convenient method, provided you are comfortable with the online services. The advantage you can expect your EIN to reach you faster than any other method. Visit www.IRS.gov and click on Businesses, then click on Employer Identification Numbers (it’s on the left hand side of the page under “Topics”) for more information. It is fast, free and user-friendly.

Apply EIN Through Phone Call:

If you have no touch with the virtual world, you can apply EIN through phone call. Dial 1-800-829-4933 and wait till you get your EIN. However, do note, the process is little time consuming and once you receive your EIN, you cannot file your return immediately as IRS takes some time to get the EIN updated in their records. So do wait for few days and file your return.

Apply By Mail:

You can also apply EIN through mail and you would receive it within 4 weeks. You need to ensure that form SS-4 (PDF) contains all of the required information. You will be assigned with appropriate procedure and mail the same once you are done with information part.

Receive EIN through Fax:

Also, you can fax or mail Form SS-4, Application for Employer Identification Number, to the IRS.

On a conclusive note, EIN is an important credential if you are efiling form 2290 with TaxExcise.com. Without an EIN, your return cannot be processed.  Moreover, if you are new to the business, it is always better to get your EIN beforehand rather than waiting for the last minute.

TaxExcise.com, a product of ThinkTrade Inc. is here to serve you with your requirements. You can apply EIN through IRS website; however, you can file your tax return through our servers and receive your acknowledgement receipt in minutes. Simple is not the word.

Reach our Tax Experts @ 1-866-245-3918 or simply write to us @ support@taxexcise.com.