Celebrate Due Date Week With TaxExcise And Efile Form 2290, IFTA And Form 720

Welcome to our blog, trucking nation. We are celebrating the “Due Date Week” at ThinkTrade Inc. being serious all day, and working towards one goal- Increase in sales! Each day is now a routine. And, that is why, we wanted to break the routine and do something weird and funky, adding in humor to our blog and make it more interesting for our readers. And that’s how we concluded to celebrate “Due Date Week”.

Like every leap year falls into our calendar once in four years, the Due Date Week also share the same story, but with a twist. You will meet the “DDW” every quarter, i.e. once in four months.

Having said that, we have made the declaration of the new week and the recurrence, let’s open up a little more.

This DDW (Due Date Week) is celebrated for tax excise, IFTA and form 2290 filers. Each quarter, these due dates clash together, allowing us to gather all the crowd of the states at one place TaxExcise.com. Being a prime product of ThinkTrade, this due date week is a welcoming reminder for taxpayers who have to pay either IFTA, Tax2290 or Excise tax.

And if you have to pay none, don’t worry. You can simply recommend our product to your friends and colleague who is filing tax. We are here to serve you, your family and friends. And we know how recommendation works out there much better than anything else!

So, are you a taxpayer filing form 2290, IFTA or Excise Tax? We have a detailed explanation on the same.

Form 2290:

Every heavy vehicle is mandate to be registered with the state and should file and report form 2290 annually, if your vehicles gross weight is more than 55,000 pounds. Usually, the due date for filing HVUT falls on 1st of July and last till 31st of August. However, if your vehicle was first time used before or after the tax season, you are liable to pay prorated tax by the end of the second month of first use i.e. if you have used your vehicle for the first time in the month of December, you need to file and pay tax by the end of January. And that’s how this tax due date falls on the “Due Date Week”.


International Fuel Tax Agreement is a recalled agreement between 48 jurisdictions and Canadian provinces in order to simplify the reporting of fuel used by each motor carrier in the jurisdictions. Also, truckers who are liable to report tax through IFTA, should possess an IFTA license and a decal to report IFTA each quarter. Q4 is round the corner, and the due date for submitting IFTA for this quarter is 31st of January.

Note: With our products, you can enjoy the facility of e preparing online your IFTA return and mail the  PDF to your base jurisdiction before the due date to avoid penalties.

Form 720:

Excise taxes are taxes paid when purchases are made on a specific good, such as gasoline. Excise taxes are often included in the price of the product. There are also excise taxes on activities, such as on wagering or on highway usage by trucks. Excise Tax has several general excise tax programs. One of the major components of the excise program is motor fuel.

These taxes are paid quarterly  and the due date for filing 4th quarter Form 720 for 2014  31st of January 2015.

So what do you have to do during the week? Well, nothing at all. You don’t have to do anything at all, except call our Tax Experts and check on Full Service Option. Let be any form, IFTA or Form 720 or HVUT, request for a full service option. You are likely to have your Taxes filed almost instantly. What is holding you back? Come to TaxExcise.com and efile your tax return today. Reach our Tax Experts at 1-866-245-3918 or email us your queries to support@taxexcise.com. You can expect instant answers from our end.