The IRS released a notice (Notice 2020-48) automatically extending the due date for excise tax returns reporting federal sporting goods excise taxes until Oct. 31, 2020 for returns that are generally due July 31. Further, the period from Aug. 1 through Oct. 31 will be disregarded for purposes of calculating any penalties or interest for the second quarter returns that are not paid by Oct. 31. The penalties and fees will begin to accrue on Nov. 1, 2020 if the taxes are not paid or the returns are not filed.
Continue reading Second quarter sporting goods excise tax filing deadline extendedCategory Archives: Electronic filing excise taxes
IRS unclaimed refunds of $1.5 billion waiting for tax year 2016; taxpayers face July 15 deadline
Unclaimed income tax refunds worth more than $1.5 billion await an estimated 1.4 million individual taxpayers who did not file a 2016 federal income tax return, according to the Internal Revenue Service.
“The IRS wants to help taxpayers who are owed refunds but haven’t filed their 2016 tax returns yet,” said IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig. “Time is quickly running out for these taxpayers. There’s only a three-year window to claim these refunds, and the window closes on July 15. To claim the refund, a return for tax year 2016 must be filed by July 15, 2020.”
Continue reading IRS unclaimed refunds of $1.5 billion waiting for tax year 2016; taxpayers face July 15 deadlineMANY BUSINESSES STARTED REPORTING QUARTERLY FEDERAL eXCISE tAX rETURNS FOR 2020 AT TAXEXCISE
During this unprecedented times of this coronavirus pandemic, businesses are finding it hard to keep up with the operations. We’re working tirelessly to help our users to electronically report and pay the 1st Quarter Federal Excise Tax returns, this April 30 is the Due Date. The IRS call centers and return processing centers are closed in response to COVID-19, stopped processing paper returns for now, additionally, several Governors have issued stay-at-home orders. IRS encourages electronic filing, they are only processing returns that are reported electronically. is the best place for you to prepare and report the 1st Quarter Federal Excise Tax returns.
The 1st Quarter Federal Excise Taxes are due for businesses that is charging and receiving excise taxes between January 1, to March 31. This April 30 is the due date for reporting and paying it online.
We wanted to express our sincere gratitude to the numerous trucking company employees, dealers, drivers and service techs across our industry who continue to step up, despite personal and economic hardships. Stay Safe and stay strong.
Though the IRS Offices are not operational, their E-file services are online and tax returns are currently being processed within minutes. Use to eFile your Quarterly Federal Excise Tax returns. We at ThinkTrade Inc. have developed a contingency and business continuity plan during an outbreak of COVID-19 to ensure all our resources are at your assistance for your federal tax e-filing needs. If you have any questions, please feel free to call our Help Desk at 1-866-245-3918 or email us at or use the live chat support available on the website. We’re available on all Business days between 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Central Time.
Quarterly Federal Excise tax Reporting Made Easy and Fast at TaxExcise, Today is the last date for 4th quarter return
The Federal Excise Tax is a Quarterly return reported using IRS Tax Form 720 by end of every quarter. TaxExcise is the best software platform for preparing and reporting your Excise Tax returns. We handle thousands of returns every year and a preferred partner for tax electronic filing. It is easy to get started with electronic filing, create an user account with your email and just jump into preparing the quarterly Federal Excise Tax returns. This is the only website to support efile as a Self Service portal where you can prepare the returns on your own in simple and easy steps.
Electronic filing can give the much needed push to the return that is nearing the deadline, for 4th quarter 720 reporting today is the last day and eFile is the only option available to get it done. Increase your chance of complete your 720 return by filing it online at
Electronic Filing for Quarterly Federal Excise Tax returns is made easy here at taxExcise an IRS authorized electronic filing service provider, in fact the only website that support eFile for all excise tax forms at one place. The fastest and easiest way of preparing the excise tax returns, economic and affordable pricing with phone and chat support for instant help.
The 3rd Quarter Excise Taxes are due now and October 31 is the deadline, act fast to report and pay it on-time. The online mode of filings saves you time, money and unwanted mistakes that are quite common with manual filing.
Continue reading Electronic Filing for Quarterly Federal Excise Tax returns is made easy here at taxExcise