Category Archives: Electronic filing excise taxes

Why Should You E-file Form 2290 HVUT Returns Earlier?

Hello, truckers! Reporting your Form 2290 truck tax returns to the IRS is an annual obligation you should take notice of. As per IRS regulations, you must report your HVUT returns, pay the tax dues, and get the stamped Schedule 1 copy by the deadline. The new tax season has already started on July 01, 2024. You must fulfil your truck tax obligations by the end of August. While the deadline might seem distant, completing your Form 2290 tax reporting as early as possible is strongly recommended. The advantages of earlier E-filing Form 2290 tax reports are substantial. It benefits you and your trucking business in numerous ways.

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Last Call! E-file Form 720 and Prepare IFTA reports online for the Second Quarter Now!

Hello taxpayers! Today, an important deadline approaches for many business owners, product/service dealers, and truckers. If your business, product, or service comes under the quarterly federal excise taxes, you must report your tax returns to the IRS using Form 720 every quarter. Also, if you are eligible for the yearly PCORI fees, you must pay them through the IRS Form 720 during the second quarter of the tax year. This day, July 31, 2024, marks the deadline to report Form 720 for the second quarter of this tax year.

Similarly, if you are preparing IFTA taxes, now is the time to act. The clock is ticking, and missing the deadline can result in severe consequences like penalties and other troubles. offers a seamless and efficient way to handle last-minute hassles and tax filing perfectly. E-filing Form 720 online and preparing IFTA reports online at ensure your tax compliance and help you stay on track.

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Form 2290 Pre-filing is Ending Tomorrow on!

Attention truckers! You must do it by tomorrow if you haven’t pre-filed Form 2290 HVUT returns for the upcoming tax season. So, don’t miss the chance to pre-file Form 2290 online to stay ahead of the upcoming tax season. Pre-file Form 2290 on to enjoy the countless benefits of Form 2290 pre-file and have a smooth tax filing season with us. We bring this exclusive Form 2290 online pre-filing services to benefit the hardworking trucking community by providing an early bird chance to prepare Form 2290 returns and submit them online to save time and avoid last-minute tension.

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Use the Coupon Code to Save Big on Your Form 2290 Pre-file Charges. would like to remind you that Form 2290 pre-filing is ending soon. The last date to pre-file Form 2290 for the upcoming tax season is June 30, 2023. So, truckers are prefiling Form 2290 on to avoid the seasonal rush and get enough time to accurately prepare 2290 tax returns for their heavy highway vehicles. Pre-file Form 2290 online benefits the trucking community in many ways. So, if you haven’t pre-filed your Form 2290 HVUT returns for the upcoming tax season, pre-file Form 2290 on today to enjoy the benefits of this early bird chance.

Continue reading Use the Coupon Code to Save Big on Your Form 2290 Pre-file Charges.

The last date to Report Pro-rated Form 2290 for April used Vehicles is TODAY!

Deadline alert! Today is the last date to report Form 2290 HVUT on a pro-rated basis for the heavy vehicles or trucks first used on April 2023. Therefore, truckers with April used heavy vehicles must e-file pro-rated Form 2290 taxes by the end of this day to avoid IRS actions and get the IRS Schedule 1 copy on time to continue their trucking operations smoothly. As the deadline is today, it would be best to e-file pro-rated Form 2290 tax reports on and get the instant Schedule 1 copy directly to your email address.

Continue reading The last date to Report Pro-rated Form 2290 for April used Vehicles is TODAY!