All posts by Tax Expert

Form 720 for Second Quarter of 2020 is Due now

Time for Excise Taxpayers to go in full swing and complete the Quarterly Federal Excise Tax returns for the 2nd Quarter of 2020. Excise taxes collect along with the goods or services offer has to be consolidated and reported to the IRS in the tax form 720. PCORI fee is also due and has to be reported along with the 2nd Quarter of Form 720.

Form 720 – Electronic Filing – July 31 Due Date electronic filing enables you to meet excise tax compliance effortlessly with its features, error free filing is very much possible. with eFiling. For small businesses electronic filing is much handy then working with a tax accountant. Excise taxes can be prepared and reported by yourself in 3 simple steps. Just complete the information that is probed and you’re done in few minutes. Get tax calculated right, as we update the tax rates regularly when there is a new update from the IRS.

Excise Tax eFile

Electronic filing saves time and get it done with the help of our tax experts waiting to answer and help you through the efiling process. It won’t take much time for you to have your Federal Excise Tax returns processed by the IRS and to receive the acknowledgement in mail. The earlier you efile you get more time to work with your return if it requires an amendment or resubmission in case of rejections.

PCORI Fee in Form 720 – July 31 Due Date

New research trust fund fees are due July 31 from health insurers and the plan sponsors of self-insured plans. The fee is paid annually using Form 720, Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return. The payment can also be paid through the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS) if you already have an account established.

The PCORI fee initially applied to specified health insurance policies and applicable self-insured health plans with policy or plan years ending after September 30, 2012, and before October 1, 2019; however, in December 2019 the fee was extended for an additional 10 years under the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020 (H.R. 1865) and now applies through plan years ending before October 1, 2029.

The IRS provides self-insured employers with transition relief for calculating the average number of plan enrollees, which the IRS refers to as covered lives—employees, spouses and dependents covered by the health plan. Payment due on any given July 31 covers the plan year that ended in the preceding calendar year, so the fee payable by July 31, 2020, is for plan years ending in 2019.

Electronic filing with

The due date is around the corner and you have limited time to do a paper return. Electronic filing can be strategically the best way to report and pay the Federal Excise Taxes with the IRS. Taxpayers should file on time, even if they can’t pay the full amount due. Then, they should pay the rest as soon as they can. Remember, the sooner paid, the less owed. The Internal Revenue Service reminds taxpayers about the importance of timely filing and paying their taxes, and that there are several options available to help people having trouble paying. is an IRS authorized eFile service provider and help you to complete this Excise Tax returns electronically. The only website to efile the tax form 720, no need to have any software or tools to download, just plug into an internet connect and start efiling with TaxExcise. Talk to us today at (866) 245 – 3918 or write to us at

10-Year Extension of Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Fee, due by July 31, 2020

Did you know, The first PCORI fee was assessed for plan years ending after Sept. 30, 2012, and the fee for the first plan year was $1 per plan enrolee, it increased to $2 per enrolee in the second year and was then indexed in subsequent years based on the increase of the projected per capita amount of National Health Expenditures.

We have certainly received an influx of inquiries regarding the IRS’ plans for PCORI, and just as we thought, the IRS has EXTENDED the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute Fee (PCORI) for an additional 10 YEARS. As a result of this extension, PCORI fee will continue to be imposed through 2029.

In the Sections 4375 and 4376, the IRS set the amount used to calculate the PCORI fee at $2.54 per person covered by plan years ending Oct. 1, 2019, through Sept. 30, 2020. The applicable rate for policy and plan years ending on or after October 1, 2020, will be included in future revisions.

The next annual fee that sponsors of self-insured health plans must pay to fund the federal Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) is due July 31, 2020, and should be reported on the second quarter filing of 2020.

Continue reading 10-Year Extension of Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Fee, due by July 31, 2020

Second quarter sporting goods excise tax filing deadline extended

The IRS released a notice (Notice 2020-48) automatically extending the due date for excise tax returns reporting federal sporting goods excise taxes until Oct. 31, 2020 for returns that are generally due July 31. Further, the period from Aug. 1 through Oct. 31 will be disregarded for purposes of calculating any penalties or interest for the second quarter returns that are not paid by Oct. 31. The penalties and fees will begin to accrue on Nov. 1, 2020 if the taxes are not paid or the returns are not filed.

Continue reading Second quarter sporting goods excise tax filing deadline extended

Don’t miss the April 30 tax deadline, e-file Form 720 tax returns due for Q1, 2020 the only E-file service provider that helps to report a wide assortment of Excise Tax forms would like to keep you reminded about the upcoming April 30th Deadline on Form 720 for the 1st Quarter of 2020. Form 720 is filed every quarter to report taxes imposed on a business for the manufacture, sale or use of a certain type of goods and products, these businesses are required to pay extra taxes, known as “Excise Taxes” and this has to be reported by the last day of the month following the calendar quarter.

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, most businesses will not have any excise tax to report for the first quarter, however, in order to abide and stay compliant with the IRS, these businesses should still file and report a Form 720 by selecting the option for a Zero Tax Liability.

Need Help Filing Online?

With the IRS closed due to the persisting lockdown most filers will find it difficult to file a paper return on time. The IRS offices might not be at your reach, but they’re fully operational to support E-filing and all the returns filed through our website are currently being processed by the IRS within minutes.

To ensure we are able to provide you with the best customer service, our tax experts are at your disposal for any Federal tax-related questions. Feel reach us on our toll-free number @ 866-245-3918 or drop us an email to do also try out our LIVE CHAT option available on the website. We’re available on all Business days between 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Central Time. Thank you for your support.


During this unprecedented times of this coronavirus pandemic, businesses are finding it hard to keep up with the operations. We’re working tirelessly to help our users to electronically report and pay the 1st Quarter Federal Excise Tax returns, this April 30 is the Due Date. The IRS call centers and return processing centers are closed in response to COVID-19, stopped processing paper returns for now, additionally, several Governors have issued stay-at-home orders. IRS encourages electronic filing, they are only processing returns that are reported electronically. is the best place for you to prepare and report the 1st Quarter Federal Excise Tax returns.

The 1st Quarter Federal Excise Taxes are due for businesses that is charging and receiving excise taxes between January 1, to March 31. This April 30 is the due date for reporting and paying it online.

We wanted to express our sincere gratitude to the numerous trucking company employees, dealers, drivers and service techs across our industry who continue to step up, despite personal and economic hardships. Stay Safe and stay strong.

Tax Form 720 online

Though the IRS Offices are not operational, their E-file services are online and tax returns are currently being processed within minutes. Use to eFile your Quarterly Federal Excise Tax returns. We at ThinkTrade Inc. have developed a contingency and business continuity plan during an outbreak of COVID-19 to ensure all our resources are at your assistance for your federal tax e-filing needs. If you have any questions, please feel free to call our Help Desk at 1-866-245-3918 or email us at or use the live chat support available on the website. We’re available on all Business days between 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Central Time.