Act fast! The Time to Report Form 720 for the First Quarter is Approaching!

Hello, federal excise taxpayers! April 30, 2024, marks the last date to report your quarterly federal excise tax Form 720 for the first quarter to the IRS. If you own a business or service or deal with a product that comes under federal excise tax payments, filing Form 720 returns to the IRS on time is crucial. So, don’t wait. E-file Form 720 conveniently on and stay ahead of this quarter’s deadline. is here for your service to help make the process quick, easy and stress-free.

Understanding Form 720

The IRS Form 720 is the ‘Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Form’ used to report excise taxes to the IRS every quarter. These taxes are typically levied on certain businesses, specific goods, and activities such as gasoline, air transportation, hunting tools, indoor tanning, etc. As per the name, Form 720 is filed quarterly, and each quarter covers a different set of excise taxes. As the form contains many parts, divisions, and categories with numerous products, goods, and services, you must go through the form carefully, identify the category to which your product/service belongs, and prepare your tax reports. If you have any issues or confusion regarding Form 720, visit the IRS website for more instructions or contact our customer support desk for assistance. Failing to report your Form 720 taxes by the last date could result in IRS penalties, late charges and interests on your tax dues. So, make sure you submit your 720 tax reports for the first quarter on or before the end of this month.

Choose Form 720 E-filing in for a Comfortable Tax Filing Process. is a unique platform that allows you to report the complicated Form 720 online. As it contains many parts, categories, products and services, preparing Form 720 is considered a complex activity among federal excise taxpayers. However, this is not the case with; you will experience a smooth and accurate Form 720 E-filing process. You can E-file your federal excise tax Form 720 from anywhere with a strong internet connection. Our platform makes e-filing easy and accessible for everyone who wants to report Form 720 on time. has in-built error checks and validation options to ensure the accuracy of your Form 720 reports before transmitting them to the IRS. E-filing Form 720 in is a simple process compared to paper filing. The IRS Form 720 is lengthy and contains all products, services, and businesses in multiple categories, lines, and parts. At, you can conveniently choose your product or service from the menu and continue your tax preparation without confusion. Our platform contains all the necessary features and functionalities to prepare your quarterly federal excise tax reports smoothly. Once done with the process, you can transmit your 720 tax reports directly to the IRS. They will process your tax reports at the earliest and send the acceptance to your registered email address.

Form 720 e-filing costs just $49.99 per quarter. You can also use our yearly and seasonal packages to save more money. Contact our customer support team at (866) 245 – 3918 on all working days from 8 AM to 6 PM EST, or write to us at for more queries.